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Stories about Jan

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​From: Chelsea


Jan was a remarkable stepmother. I only knew her for 12 years, but she made an immeasurable impact in my life. I will miss her more than words can express. Rest in peace, Janny.



​From: Jenny


My last and dearest memory of Jan was at Chelsea's birthday. Chelsea is one of my best friends and being able to celebrate with her and her family meant so much to me. We were all relaxing in the backyard at Chelsea's house and we all were introducing ourselves and I was introducing my amazing girlfriend Chris to Chelsea's family. They were so welcoming and happy for us. After playing cards against humanity and the declaration of still being friends at the end of the game. When it was time for Jan and John to leave for the night, Jan gave me a big hug and said to me "I'm happy for you. It's good to see you happy" Thank you for your blessing Jan. You will be missed. Thank you for being a wonderful stepmom to Chelsea. XO



​From: Kim


Of all the fortunate experiences in my life, I count my friendship with Jan as one that ranks very high on my list. I met Jan through John when I worked with his previous company here in Atlanta. I could tell immedately through conversations with John, that I would fall in love with his wife just as he had. I remember early on that I mentioned to John that my very first concert had been to see KISS in 1976 at the old Atlanta Stadium. Of course I also mentioned that I still held KISS affectionately in my heart. Wouldn't you know that on my first visit with Jan, she woud bring with her my first of many KISS momentos. That sweet gesture would lead to a friendship that I will cherish always. It seems that just when I needed a kind word or a reason to smile, a sweet note from Jan would suddenly appear in my inbox. Her smile and her laugh were infectious and her sweet, loving heart was to be envied. I know for a fact that Heaven had an angel here on earth for a brief time whose kindness, compassion and genuine love for others made a lasting impact on me.

From: David
It has been my honor and pleasure to experience Jan in my life. No matter how she felt, Jan was always able to muster a smile during any conversation. I was even blessed to spend one late Thanksgiving night with Jan and John. She was one of the most giving people I have ever met. Having already lost a close friend earlier this year, Jan's passing even slams home more the idea that life is precious and sometimes too short. She was instrumental in my sanity through my divorce a few years ago. She would basically just tell me to stay the course and be fair no matter how ugly it gets. Always checking in on me and making sure I was taking the high road. What a friend. Like everyone else, I will truly miss her.
​From: Theresa


Jan came to me at the suggestion of a counselor she was seeing to help her with her weight. I became her personal trainer in December 2006. Despite all her health and body struggles, she always wanted to be stronger and more able and I was fortunate enough to witness many of her triumphs in that respect. She would get totally jazzed when she could do something that she was sure she wouldn't be able to do. It was a joy to see her so excited over these accomplishments. Her favorite motto in the gym, and her life, was "Never give up, never surrender" and she was determined to conquer whatever stood in her way. I am so sad that she is gone, every week I miss her beautiful face and her loving heart more. I am just grateful that she is no longer in pain. I love you, Janski!!



​From: Thuy


 I know how important Jan is to her family and how much she will be truly missed. Although I did not get to build a strong relationship with her, I am glad to have known her. I am so glad I got to at least see her last month at Chelsea's birthday. People enter your life for many reasons and I am glad she crossed mine. One thing that I will remember about Jan is her extensive Christmas tree collection. Oh, how she had an eye for Christmas decor. :) 

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